Photo Day is tomorrow for individual portraits and fall sports! Be sure to bring a smile! Images will not be available to order a week or two after portrait dates as it's all proofing. Please watch your inbox for individual portrait ordering after photo day Sport ordering: please text PANTHERSF23 to 90738 to be notified once images are ready for ordering. -Collective Imaging
over 1 year ago, Park City Schools
Reminder, Photo Day is September 7th for full school portraits! Individual fall portraits and all fall sports along with class photos will take place. The new platform is all proofing. Please opt in for "Sports Ordering" by texting code PANTHERSF23 to 90738. Please watch your inbox for fall portraits! Collective Imaging will notify you via email when school portraits are uploaded and ready to order! Please dress up and bring a smile! -Collective Imaging Crew
over 1 year ago, Park City Schools
The Varsity football game vs. Ekalaka this Friday has been moved to Park City. Come out and support your Panthers for their home opener. Kickoff will be at 6 pm.
over 1 year ago, Principal/AD
BUS SAFETY Some 25 million students nationwide begin and end their day with a trip on a school bus. Designed for safety, with flashing lights, giant mirrors, stop-sign arms and that bright yellow color, students are far more likely to get to school safely when taking a school bus than traveling by car, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. School buses are designed to protect students through compartmentalization – closely spaced seats and high, energy-absorbing seat backs. Seat belts protect students, too. In 2015, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration stated its support for lap and shoulder belts on buses, and NSC has joined in support of this position to ensure the safest ride for children. Tips for a Safe Ride School buses are the safest way for students to travel. Nearly two-thirds of school bus-related fatalities of school-age children occur outside of the school bus. Children need to do their part to stay safe both in and around school buses: At the Bus Stop: ● Arrive early at the bus stop – at least five minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive ● Stand 6 feet (or three giant steps) away from the curb while waiting for the bus ● Supervise young children Around the Bus ● Cross in front of the bus – at least 10 feet (or five giant steps) – and make eye contact with the driver before crossing ● Never walk behind the bus ● If you drop something near the bus, do not pick it up; tell the bus driver instead Getting On/Off the Bus ● Wait until the bus has stopped and the door opens before approaching the bus or standing up on the bus ● Use the handrail ● Secure any loose or hanging objects like straps on a backpack or drawstrings on a hood Behavior on the Bus: ● Buckle up if seat belts are available ● Stay in your seat keeping head, arms and papers inside the bus, and talk quietly ● Keep aisles clear of books and bags
over 1 year ago, Park City Schools
bus danger zone
Senior Parents: We need Senior Photos ASAP for the senior banners that will be posted along the street. Please send them in to They CANNOT be screenshots of your child's photo. It must be the actual download OR a physical copy. If you have your student taking photos this fall/winter please contact me immediately via email or at ext. 109. The goal is to have the banners up by homecoming.
over 1 year ago, Breanna Shermer
Attention Senior Parents: PTA is putting up the wonderful senior banners along the street again this year, and we need to start collecting senior images ASAP. Digital Copies (not a screenshot), may be emailed to or physical copies may be brought in to be scanned. If you have not gotten any done or are waiting later this later to take photos, please contact Mrs. Shermer immediately at the same address provided. We want to get these banners up as soon as possible.
over 1 year ago, Breanna Shermer
The Digital Photography Students are off to a great start! These are just a few images completed by the students the first week of school. Students will learn about composition, lighting, and video over the course of this semester.
over 1 year ago, Breanna Shermer
The ag program, for grades 8-12, is currently being held in the back half of the ag facility where we usually run our welding and other programs that need space. The front part is currently being used for storage as we get ready to clean it out. When the front portion is torn down, we will temporarily lose a classroom, the wood working area, water and bathrooms, and storage. The ag classes will move to the new modular we brought in. Remember, as noted earlier, these new modulars don’t have bathrooms. So students will be traveling between the back half of the ag building to the modular and then to the school building constantly until we are able to put up the Sprung structure. The new structure, even though it is a moveable structure, will have a new heating system, bathrooms, and a woodworking area, just like a permanent structure would have. Class will still move between the modular and the ag building, depending on what is being taught and how it is being taught as we won’t set up walls to separate out a classroom in the Sprung structure. Our ag program is a vital program for our school. We have had so many students go through the programs we offer in ag. Many of those have remained in our community and continue to farm, ranch, run businesses, and support our ag and FFA programs. Continuing to provide a safe and modern facility to grow our programs is very important to our school and community. Your vote on the building reserve levy is very important to our program offerings.
over 1 year ago, Park City Schools
ag building
The Friday night football game at Fort Benton is on the NFHS network but you need to look up Fort Benton High School to find it.
over 1 year ago, Park City Schools
How does $70,000 per year for five years benefit the school and specifically the ag program and FFA in Park City. The $70,000 will be used to make payments on a loan that will enable the school to purchase a Sprung structure (example in the picture) for our Ag program. As noted earlier, the front half of our Ag building needs to be removed due to structural issues. The district looked at a number of options and settled on the Sprung style of buildings because of its durability, energy efficiency, and mobility. The Board looked at the possibility of renting the building for five years vs purchasing it, but the cost difference was minimal. One of the best reasons to purchase the structure is that it is movable. So when the district is able to eventually build a new school, the Sprung structure can be moved to either that facility or to the bus barn to be used as a bus shop. That would enable the district the opportunity to sell the current ag building property without losing its investment in this structure. REMEMBER TO VOTE ON SEPTEMBER 19.
over 1 year ago, Park City Schools
example of Sprung
Vision and Hearing screenings will be happening tomorrow, Thursday, August 24.
over 1 year ago, Park City Schools
Park City Scools is looking to hire an elementary aide. Work one on one or on small groups. Monday through Thursday south the same days of as the students. Applications are on the schools website or you can grab one at school.
over 1 year ago, Superintendent
These are the NEW PRICES for school meals this year. Please remember to fill out the free and reduced meal forms. It is important to fill these out even if you don't think you would qualify as it can provide more access to the school for future grants. K-12 Breakfast $2.00 Adult Breakfast $2.50 K-4 Lunch $2.75 5-12 Lunch $3.00 Adult Lunch $4.75 Extra milk $.50
over 1 year ago, Park City Schools
lunch tray
We are excited to see all of our students Wednesday for our first day. JH and HS report to the gym. K-6 report to their classrooms. Breakfast is available in the cafeteria
over 1 year ago, Superintendent
first day
Don't forget that school starts on Wednesday, August 16. Come on August 15 from 4-6 PM to meet your student's teachers, classmates, administration, and others. Participate in activities sponsored by the PTA.
over 1 year ago, Park City Schools
open house
LAST DAY Check out Panther Gear sponsored by the Park City Panther Booster Club so you are decked out in team colors this year.
over 1 year ago, Park City Schools
If you are having any issue or question regarding our Infinite Campus portal, please use this link and then send a message to Trish Nicholson.
over 1 year ago, Park City Schools
Just a reminder to check our BACK TO SCHOOL page on the website for updated information for the big event on August 16.
over 1 year ago, Park City Schools
Junior High Football and Junior High Volleyball will begin on August 21st. Please plan on attending the meeting on Thursday, August 10th for team meetings and please be sure to have a current physical completed by the first day of practice (August 21st). For any questions, please contact Mr. Cavan .
over 1 year ago, Principal/AD
Animation camp starts Monday at 8 a.m. There is plenty of open slots so please send your 6th-9th grade student if interested. Free. Fun. Imaginative. Team building.
over 1 year ago, Superintendent