This week's activities at Park City School. Join us Thursday, February 13th, as we honor our winter activity seniors before each varsity basketball game.

Just a reminder that we have Parent/Teacher conferences Monday, February 10, and Tuesday, February 11, from 4:30-7:30 PM. Hope to see you there!

Due to the expected winter weather, Coding Club is canceled for Friday, February 7.

Congrats to Kendalyn Streck as she signed her letter of intent to compete in Track and Field as she continues her education at The University of Montana Western next fall!

Don't forget -- Valentine's Day orders are due THIS Thursday, Feb. 6th! Pick up your order sheet at the front office -- alternatively you can click on the link to view in Google Drive to print.

Plan on school being in session on Tuesday, February 4. We are still experiencing some harsh winter weather, so please send your students dressed for the weather. Allow for extra time to get to school. Buses may be running behind schedule, so please dress appropriately for the bus stops.

Park City School classes are canceled for Monday, February 3, out of an abundance of concern for everyone's safety. Scheduled events for the day will be canceled. A message alert from the school will be sent out also.

This week's activities at Park City School.

This weekend was long, but Kamry worked hard making it to 9th place at state. Thank you to all who supported the team this year!

Park City Schools Spelling Champ 5th grader Mavis Stevenson
2nd Ruby Bekkedahl
3rd Joshua Steilen
4th Kaden Leland
5th Leah Dubell
6th Nicholas Heppner
Alternate Phin Harrison
Other awards:
Best enunciation: Mavis Stevenson
Best sportsmanship: Phin Harrison
Spirit Award: Benjamin Bailey
Poise Award: Leah Dubell

Congrats to our Special Olympic Bowlers: Noah, Jathan, Alex R and Alex S. And extra thanks to the three cheerleaders for these bowlers (Abigael, Kamry and Savanna)

*HS Basketball Schedule Change* - Due to the official shortage, the sub-varsity games @ Red Lodge have been rescheduled. Here is the new schedule.
Thursday, January 30th: Varsity Boys 6:00 / Varsity Girls 7:30
Monday, February 3rd: C Boys 4:00 / JV Girls 5:30 / JV Boys 7:00
Thank you for your understanding.

Today was Divisionals at Manhattan for Speech and Drama. We had Mia and Kamry competing in their respective events. Mia placed 12th in Impromptu, doing a fantastic job for her first year and ended her season on a good note. Kamry placed 2nd place in Mime, earning her ticket to state next Friday and Saturday at Huntley.
We are so proud of you ladies! Good luck Kamry next week! Go Panthers! 🐾🎉

Here is next week's activities at Park City Schools. There are a few changes from the original basketball schedules. The game times in Absarokee have all been moved ahead one hour. Also, we have added a JV Girls basketball game in Lavina next Tuesday. Thanks!

This week's activities.

Please make sure students are dressed for the weather. Temperatures are expected to be below 0 on Monday. Whether walking to school, riding the bus, or otherwise, dress in layers to protect against the cold.

We were at it again! Last week we traveled to Townsend where we had Mia Gill compete in Impromptu, and Kamry Harris in Mime where she placed 2nd! (No pictures).
This week we competed at Lockwood, where Kamry competed in her largest meet against 15 other mimes from across the state. She competed and placed 4th! Congratulations!
Next week we will be traveling to Manhattan for our Divisional Tournament. State will be held the last week in January, being held at Huntley Project. Wish us luck! Go panthers! 🐾

The High School Basketball games today vs Gardiner have been canceled due to weather and road conditions. Thank you for understanding and please help spread the news.

Here is the flyer to order JH Boys Basketball Pictures.

Order forms are now available at the front office for Valentine's Day! Support your FCCLA club by purchasing a gift for someone special. Please have order forms in by February 6th!