Here is next week's activities at Park City Schools. There are a few changes from the original basketball schedules. The game times in Absarokee have all been moved ahead one hour. Also, we have added a JV Girls basketball game in Lavina next Tuesday. Thanks!
1 day ago, Mitch Ward
Weekly Reader 1-27
This week's activities.
6 days ago, Mitch Ward
Weekly Reader 1-20
Please make sure students are dressed for the weather. Temperatures are expected to be below 0 on Monday. Whether walking to school, riding the bus, or otherwise, dress in layers to protect against the cold.
6 days ago, Park City Schools
We were at it again! Last week we traveled to Townsend where we had Mia Gill compete in Impromptu, and Kamry Harris in Mime where she placed 2nd! (No pictures). This week we competed at Lockwood, where Kamry competed in her largest meet against 15 other mimes from across the state. She competed and placed 4th! Congratulations! Next week we will be traveling to Manhattan for our Divisional Tournament. State will be held the last week in January, being held at Huntley Project. Wish us luck! Go panthers! 🐾
6 days ago, Breanna Shermer
The High School Basketball games today vs Gardiner have been canceled due to weather and road conditions. Thank you for understanding and please help spread the news.
8 days ago, Mitch Ward
Here is the flyer to order JH Boys Basketball Pictures.
9 days ago, Mitch Ward
Order forms are now available at the front office for Valentine's Day! Support your FCCLA club by purchasing a gift for someone special. Please have order forms in by February 6th!
9 days ago, Sarah Bolin
This week's schedule.
13 days ago, Mitch Ward
Weekly Reader 1-13
Class of 2025 needs to submit photos for the graduation slideshow/yearbook by February 28th. These photos can be brought in to be scanned or be directly emailed to Mrs. Shermer @
16 days ago, Breanna Shermer
This week's activity schedule. See everyone back at school tomorrow!
20 days ago, Mitch Ward
Weekly Reader 1-6
This week's basketball schedule.
27 days ago, Mitch Ward
Weekly Reader 12-30
Park City HS Basketball Schedule Change: The games tomorrow, December 21st, in Roundup, have moved up 30 minutes in start time. The schedule is as follows: C Boys - 1:00, JV Girls 2:30, JV Boys 4:00, V Girls 5:30, V Boys 7:00. The bus will leave at 10:30 AM. Thank you.
about 1 month ago, Mitch Ward
One of out classes that uses Story Maker created the following videos. They were submitted to a national competition and the first in the list garnered an honorable mention. Thankful for School improvements Thankful for water, school, sports, for all the support from teachers Thankful for best friend Extensive Thanksgiving Monologue with a lot of detail Thankful for being able to celebrate Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Monologue Thanksgiving Monologue
about 1 month ago, Park City Schools
We are in need of a score clock and shot clock operator for our 8 high school basketball games this year. If this is something you would interested in, please contact Mr. Ward at the school. Thank you.
about 1 month ago, Mitch Ward
This week's activities. 7-12th Grade will be released after their final semester exam at 2:30 PM on Thursday, December 19th.
about 1 month ago, Mitch Ward
Weekly Reader 12-16
Panther Basketball Fans: Attached is the Go Fan ticket link and NFHS link for the Lockwood tournament this weekend. Girls play at 9 AM and Boys at 10:30 both Friday and Saturday.
about 1 month ago, Mitch Ward
My apologies that the first note did not go out. We had an exhaust fan overheat in the elementary custodial closet and stink up the hall. We called the fire department to run their fans and clear out the stink. While they did that we had the K-3 kids on the football field with their teachers. As I noted, the fire department gave us the all clear and kids are back in the building.
about 1 month ago, Park City Schools
The fire department gave us the all clear and K-3 kids are back in the building. But as nice as it is, I don't think they wanted to!
about 1 month ago, Park City Schools
Candy Cane gram time
about 2 months ago, Park City Schools
cany cane
We traveled to the far away lands of Columbus for speech and drama this week. Kamry Harris placed 1st place in Mime! Congratulations on a great win! Next week we travel to Belfry, our last meet before the holiday break. In January, we travel to Townsend, Lockwood, and then to Manhattan for divisionals, with HP being at state.
about 2 months ago, Breanna Shermer